Because the Aquinas Institute‘s mission is to make the works of Aquinas as widely available as possible, we put all of our bilingual editions online for free. But we don‘t just slap texts up: we have put the same care into our online text viewer that we put into our well-known hardbound volumes. Our goal is to make the best way to access Aquinas on the web.
Did you know that Aquinas mentions Ambrose 278 times in the Summa? Or that his commentary on the Letter to the Hebrews is a particularly rich source for angelology? It only takes a few keystrokes to pull up what you need. At, you can:
Navigate quickly between works,
Search in either English or Latin,
Share a link to a particular paragraph,
And more.
This is the tool we use as translators and publishers, and we hope it will become the tool you use as teachers, students, and devotees of Aquinas. Check out our tutorial video below for details.